`different` 后面可以跟单数名词,也可以跟复数名词,具体取决于你想表达的内容和上下文。以下是使用 `different` 的一些例子:
We are in different schools.(我们就读于不同的学校。)
When talking about distinct characteristics of items within the same category, you might use a plural noun:
These cars have different features.(这些汽车有不同的特点。)
However, if the context is about a single aspect of difference, a singular noun can be used:
His attitude is different from mine.(他的态度和我的不同。)
It's also possible to use `different` with an uncountable noun, especially when discussing qualities or states:
Everyone has a different perspective on the issue.(每个人对这个问题的看法都不同。)
总结来说,`different` 后面跟单数还是复数,取决于你想强调的是多个事物间的差异,还是单个事物内的不同方面。希望这能帮助你更好地理解 `different` 的用法