"渣女"在英语中通常称作"gold digger"。这个词的来源可以追溯到20世纪20年代,当时指的是那些追求富有男性的女性。例如:
1. She's just a gold digger, she only wants him for his money.
2. He's afraid that his new girlfriend is a gold digger.
建议在使用"gold digger"时,要注意其贬义含义,避免在不适当的语境中使用。
"渣女"在英语中通常称作"gold digger"。这个词的来源可以追溯到20世纪20年代,当时指的是那些追求富有男性的女性。例如:
1. She's just a gold digger, she only wants him for his money.
2. He's afraid that his new girlfriend is a gold digger.
建议在使用"gold digger"时,要注意其贬义含义,避免在不适当的语境中使用。