
Everything i do,找一首英文歌,歌词是i do i do i do i do love you,还有一句是

找一首英文歌,歌词是i do i do i do i do love you,还有一句是什么的,是一个很可爱的女声唱?

everything to do sth 造句?

Be ready to do sth: Everything`s packed, and we`re ready to leave. 所有的东西都装好了,我们准备动身。 2. Do all/everything/whatever one can to do sth. 尽力做某事 3. Suddenly I found myself impatient I don't wanna wait any more God neither want to live in the past Everything is so blear always, waste time on sth useless but what can I do? 对于雨,说不上讨厌,总之就是不喜欢朦胧、羞涩、亦真亦幻,都是它的,与我无关又下雨了,在潜意识中,好像哪里又有什么冤情虽然不及六月飘雪那么严重,但是能感觉到有人不开心泪水和雨水的味道不同泪水是咸的,夹杂着苦楚和伤痛雨水是自然的味道,带着泥土的清香也被称作甘霖可是为什 4. Be apt to do sth.易于 The power of touchPlacing everything from sweaters to bed linens on displays that consumers. 触摸的动力摆放的各种样品中,小到毛衣大到床上亚麻制品,消费者能够亲手触摸到的更易于销售。

i will do anything还是i will do everything?

应该是I will do everything.意思是:我会做每一件事情。宾语应该用不定代词everything.而不能用不定代词anything.因为anything用于疑问句和否定句中,如 Is there anything in the fridge?冰箱里有东西吗?I don't do anything.我不会做任何事情。