1. “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.”(休斯敦,这里是平静基地。鹰号已经降落。)
2. “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”(对于人类而言,这是一小步,但对人类来说却是一大跨越。)
3. “I'm just a simple man standing in front of a complicated world, asking it to make sense.”(我只是一个站在复杂世界面前的简单人,希望它能有点意义。)
4. “It's an incredible sight. I can't believe we're actually here.”(这是一幅难以置信的景象。我难以相信我们真的来到了这里。)
5. “I think we missed the point of the mission. We came all this way to explore the moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth.”(我认为我们错过了任务的重点。我们来到这里探索月球,但最重要的是我们发现了地球。)