


1. 我觉得我沉睡过去了,因为我醒来的时候,脸上的天空布满星星。

English: "I think I slept because when I woke up, the sky was full of stars on my face."

2. 没有对生活绝望,就不会爱生活。

English: "There is not love of life without despair."

3. 它真正的毛病是衰老,而衰老是治不好的。

English: "Its real trouble is old age, and old age is incurable."

4. 已经大亮的天色照在我脸上,像是一记耳光。

English: "The daylight, already bright, struck my face like a slap."

5. 他们默默地看着我们,以他们特有的方式,完全就像是在看一些石头或者一些枯树一样。

English: "They watched us in silence, in their own way, as if we were stones or dead trees."


English: "To my surprise, I could not see their eyes in their faces; only a glimmer of murky light between heaps of wrinkles."

7. 他的一头白发相当细软,蹿出两只形状奇特、耷拉着的耳朵,耳廓胡乱卷着,血红的色泽在苍白脸色的衬托下,给我造成强烈冲击。

English: "His white hair was quite fine and soft, and from it stuck out two oddly shaped, drooping ears, the lobes of which were wildly curled. The blood-red color stood out sharply against the pale background of his face."


