


1. "People call 'love' is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage."(人们所谓的爱只不过是一种促使动物繁殖的化学反应。它开始时猛烈,然后慢慢消退,让你陷入一段失败的婚姻中。)

2. "I can't maintain my marriage, even though I can turn black holes back into stars. So at some point, we have to ask ourselves, what's the probability that this is the right decision? Maybe it's just self-deception because we don't want to die alone, but that's precisely the way we die: alone."(即使我能把黑洞变回恒星,我也无法维持我的婚姻。所以到了某一时刻,我们必须扪心自问,这是一个正确决定的概率有多渺茫?说不定这只是我们的自我欺骗,因为我们不想孤独终老,但这恰恰是我们死亡的方式:独自死亡。)

3. "The smart ones get to climb to the top and ride on the back of reality, but reality keeps trying to throw you off and, in the end, it will succeed."(聪明人有机会爬上顶峰,骑在现实背上,但现实会不停地试着把你甩下去,并且,最终他会成功。)

4. "You leave school, but you still have to learn something. Wubba lubba dub dub. When you know everything doesn't matter, the entire universe can be yours, but I've never seen a universe like that. The universe is a beast that feeds on mediocrity, creating countless idiots just to eat them."(你离开了学校,但你还是要学点东西。当你知道一切都不重要的时候,整个宇宙都会是你的,但我没有见过一个宇宙喜欢这样。宇宙是一头野兽,他以平庸的人为食,创造出无数白痴只是为了吃掉他们。)

5. "The purpose of having a dog is to make you feel superior."(养狗的目的就是为了让自己更有优越感。)


