1. "The wind has said a lot filling up the summer"(风说了许多,把夏天注的盈满)。
2. "I will definitely hold hands and walk slowly with the person I like on summer nights"(我一定会和喜欢的人在夏日夜晚牵手慢步)。
3. "宝贝,你要知道星光、月亮、清泉和小溪,还有蘸着糖的奶油和蜂蜜,这世间所有美好的东西,都只是为了形容你呀"。
4. "今夏是我的软肋,也是我的盔甲"("This summer is both my weakness and my armor")。
5. "为什么要努力?因为我想看看我正经起来到底有多强"("Why bother working hard? Because I want to see how strong I can be when I'm serious")。
6. "但有弄里斜阳色,最是人间烟火情"("But the slanting sun in the park is the most human and charming")。
7. "有些人心易变,三天两头就面目全非了"("Some people's hearts are easily changed, and they change completely in just a few days")。
8. "我们都在梦中,一个叫青春的梦里。梦总有一天会醒来,而回忆会一直闪烁"(《校园迷糊大王》"We are all dreaming in a dream called youth. One day the dream will wake up, and the memories will keep twinkling")。
9. "如果能实现,我想带你,去看绚丽的山岚,去看秀丽的溪谷,这份心情,人类是如何称呼的呢"(《夏目友人帐》"If it could be realized, I would like to take you to see the magnificent mountain mists, to see the beautiful valleys, what is this feeling called by humans")。
10. "你原本打算吃掉我,所以就算被我吃掉,也没资格抱怨吧"(《东京食尸鬼》"You were planning to eat me, so even if I eat you, you don't have the right to complain")。