1、人若无名,便可专心。——《英雄》 If a man unknown, can focus on. 2、能力越大,责任越重。——《蜘蛛侠》 The heavier with great power comes great responsibility. 3、其实,我是一个演员。——《喜剧之王》 Actually, I'm an actor. 4、真实的东西是最不好看的。
电影是学习英语的绝佳材料,其中有很多优美的句子,以下列举一些: 1. “Luke, I am your father.” 《星球大战》 2. “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” 《音乐之声》 3. “I love you.' 'I know.” 《星球大战》 4. “You jump, I jump, remember?” 《泰坦尼克号》 5. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t s_
1.After all,tomorrow is another day! 毕竟,明天又是新的一天!——《乱世佳人》 2.Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. 妈妈说生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不知道你会得到什么。——《阿甘正传》 3.Keep your friends close,but your enemies closer. 亲近你的朋友,但更要亲近你的敌人。——《教父II》
1、美人如炬,美人如草。——《美人草》 beauty is like a torch, and beauty is like grass. 2、我跟你们谁都不熟,我只想要我哥。——《快把我哥带走》 i don't know any of you. i just want my brother. 3、西瓜香蕉你个巴拉!你敢整我?——《东成西就》 watermelon banana you bala! you dare to screw me? 4、原来寂寞的时候,所有人都一样。——《春光乍泄》 when i was lonely, everyone was the same. 5、死娘炮,哪来那么多的废话!——《双世宠妃2》 dead mother gun, how come so much nonsense! 6、生而为人,对不起。——《被嫌弃的松子一生》 i'm sorry i was born. 7、我谁都不想跟,我只想跟着我哥。——《快把我哥带走》 i don't want to follow anyone. i just want to follow my brother.