Einstein's Enthusiasm for Relativity
Einstein visited Göttingen in 1915 at the invitation of mathematician David Hilbert and delivered several lectures. He was extremely eager to explain the intricate relationships of the theory of relativity to Hilbert. This visit was a triumph, and he excitedly told a friend, "I can convince Hilbert of the general theory of relativity."
Einstein's Question to Minkowski
Einstein once asked Minkowski, "How can a person, like me, leave a lasting mark in the field of science and on the path of life and make outstanding contributions?" Minkowski replied that he needed to think about it better before giving an answer. Three days later, Minkowski took Einstein to a construction site and led him to step on the freshly laid cement. "Here is your answer," Minkowski said.
Einstein's Early Curiosity
There was once a young boy named Albert who loved to ask questions and explore the world around him. He was always curious and wanted to understand how things worked. One day, when Albert was about five years old, he saw a compass for the first time. He was fascinated by the way the needle always pointed north.
Einstein's Journey to Fame
Albert Einstein, known for his great achievements, faced many barriers before becoming famous. "Many people know about the great things I've accomplished. But I had many challenges before I became famous."