
therefore是什么意思,therefore 和as的区别?


therefore 和as的区别?

therefore 是因此的意思,而as则是因为的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: As he is already 25 years old, has worked for over 5 years, therefore we believe he is mature enough to make decision. 因为他已经25岁了,已经工作了5年多,因此我们相信他已经成熟到可以做出决定了。


1. however主要有两种用法: 1)however = no matter how,做连词,用于引导让步状语从句 如:He can't win the race however fast he runs. 无论/不管他跑得有多快,他都赢不了这次赛跑。 2)however做副词,表示转折,意思是“然而/但是”,用在句中时必须用标点符号和其他成分隔开。 如:He is clever. However, he is very lazy. 2. therefore只能做副词,意思是“因此/所以”,其所在的句子表示结果。 它和句子其他成分隔开不隔开都是可以的。 如:He worked day and night, and therefore he was able to buy the sports car. = He worked day and night. Therefore, he was able to buy the sports car. 他日夜工作,所以有能力买那部跑车。


therefore等于短语as a result 例句 1. He's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote. 他只有17岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。 2. They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish 他们曾见过他用拖网捕鱼,因此知道那里有鱼。 3. He has decided that he doesn't want to embarrass the movement and will therefore step down 他已拿定主意:他不想令运动陷入困窘的境地,因此决心辞职。

since because和therefore的区别?

since是自从的意思, because是因为的意思,而therefore则是因此的意思,它们的区别可以从以下例子看出: Since you left, we have to do it by ourselves, because this job has to be finished by weekend, therefore we do it. 自从你走了,我们就得自己做,因为这个工作要在周末完成,所以我们来做。


therefore和so的区别是意思不同,用法不同。 therefore是副词,意思是“因此;所以”; so作副词意为“(表示程度)这么,如此;很”,作连词意为“(表示因果关系)所以;(引出结果)因此;(表示目的)为了。 so当连词时可以引导一个完整的句子,而therefore不可以。

